
The origin of the dragon fruit

发布日期:2017-10-20 09:22:34   浏览量 :31623
发布日期:2017-10-20 09:22:34  

The origin of the dragon fruit plant legend of day 'is a tendril class room cacti of the genus of tropical plants, native to Central America in costa rica, Guatemala, and vladimir radmanovic, Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia, not only to longevity, strength, and is famous for its beautiful, more perfect source of nutrition and beauty.Local widely circulated legend, points out that the amount of days' is a powerful symbol, a legend of the aztecs detailing the amount of days in the feet of a woman with a how much power, when a poor Aztec women in unbearable hot in the desert of lost, pain and distress slam shut, the situation is very dangerous, is her despair dying, the illusion slowly into another world of the road...Leisurely heard a is very clear and strong voice from heaven!The voice told her to hurry up beside edible plants!Edible plant next to hurry up!Her hard to stretch out his hand to touch, has eyesight whiting beside her illusion to all branches and strewn at random, the amount of spreading extravagant day, on this special hot desert almost no other plants, she saw flashing red light in the illusion, that is an ornament in quantity feet among those dots pitaya, like a living flame of the pick was like each lindsey lindsey beating heart from I cry out and motivated by her survive!A XiXiaoFeng pitaya millions of a full arms hold huge lily came running to her young beauty!......Dreaming, the touch of her hand on a blowing, she felt the throngs of glittering fairy and clusters of wen guan brilliant flowers in changing alternately, like feet, are green and the amount of fat day when she was like a magical force pulling and broke it, much bloody hand was stabbed, but she didn't feel pain, she seems to be a kind of magical powers orders, the mechanical bite on the thick feet, the amount of days eat again a bright is dazzing pitaya...

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